LabWare ELN
A unique attribute of LabWare ELN is the way in which it works seamlessly with LabWare LIMS. This allows any data within LIMS to be accessible by ELN and vice versa. Integrating ELN and LIMS products from different suppliers has significant practical challenges and limitations, and very often requires the creation of a customized interface to achieve even simple data exchange. The benefit of LabWare ELN is the comprehensive interface that exists inherently between the two systems, and the simplicity by which all LIMS data and LIMS functionality can easily be shared and leveraged from within either environment. Examples of items that are easily accessed via the ELN include: Quality Control, SOPs, version controlled test and specification definition, Instrument Management, Document Management, Standards, & Reagents, Analyst Certification, Customer & Supplier Management, Laboratory Management, User Roles, Group Security, and Inventory Management.
The LabWare Electronic Laboratory Notebook is organized into spreadsheet-like workbooks that can be sub-divided into tabs similar to Microsoft Excel. The layout and organization of each workbook tab is completely configurable. LabWare ELN also provides built-in, out of the box capability to capture data from laboratory instruments. For instruments that use a computerized data system, LabWare ELN provides the ability to parse the data contained in reports produced by the data system and to directly enter that data into one or more ELN worksheets that are part of the procedure session. Instruments such as analytical balances, pH meters, and titration instruments may be directly connected using an RS-232 communications link over a network (LAN or WAN). In addition to directly connected instruments and file based instrument data systems, LabWare also offers advanced integration modules that seamlessly interface to systems like the Waters Empower, Agilient OpenLab, and Thermo Atlas chromatography data systems, providing a functionally rich environment for interacting with the data from these popular products. Compliance limits or checks can be associated with any data input in the procedure, allowing checkpoints to be inserted at the conclusion of any step in the method to prevent the method from continuing if there is a significant issue or deviation from procedure. LabWare’s Electronic Laboratory Notebook offers the unique combination of experiment automation and procedure control, making it the ideal laboratory management software solution for both research and quality control settings. |